Sunday Worship
Sunday Mornings @ 9:30 am
What to Expect on Sundays at FRC
Each Sunday we spend time in worship through music; praising God for who He is and what He has done. We have a rotation of praise teams covering a variety of styles, as well as a monthly service led by our organist.
Each week you will hear a message from Pastor Jeff to encourage you, challenge you, and teach you more about who God is and how we are to live in relation to Him.
After each service we have a time of fellowship called “Coffee Time” in our Gathering Place. You are invited to stick around, grab a cup of coffee and a cookie, and spend some time in joyful connection with your church family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our services usually run about an hour long, with a time of fellowship as well as our Sunday School program immediately to follow.
For little ones (0-2) we offer a Nursery during morning worship. You can drop off your child any time before or during the service. Our nursery is located in our Welcome Area right outside the back of the Sanctuary.
Each week we offer Children’s Bags filled with activities and snacks for kids to enjoy during morning worship (located in the back of the Sanctuary in the coat rooms.)
Each Sunday we have a Children’s Message where kids of all ages can come up to the front of the sanctuary to hear a short teaching.
Our Kids Worship program is available for kids ages 3-KG immediately following the children’s message. Here, kids will hear an engaging story, have craft time, enjoy a snack, and play fun games. The Kids Worship area is located in the Well.
Following morning worship during the school year we offer a Sunday School program starting at age 3 all the way up to high school. Sunday School lasts an hour, dismissing around 11:30.
We do not have a dress code, so come in whatever you are comfortable in! You will see some people in collared shirts and dress pants, and others in jeans and t-shirts. There is no expectation to dress a certain way.
We do not pass an offering plate during the service, but we have offering boxes located in multiple locations around the church if you feel led to give. We also have an online giving option which can be found on our website.
Yes! All of our morning services are streamed live on our website, and can be watched on-demand immediately following the service.